Two Major Literary Works Concerning the T.W.O.W. to be Started over the Summer
Yet another book that has information on the war will be started over the summer. This book is written by Zak the Yak, a famous writer among the Yaks, and is entirely about the war, except for the occasional rant about how the Communists are so superior and the Cap't'lists can't even count to 5. So far, the book is just articles from this website compiled together and passages about how the Communists are better, but Zak the Yak insists that it will have real information on the T.W.O.W. that he wrote himself soon. He said at a recent press conference: "Heys all of usses Comrades, so we is gotza larn us selves how to not accuse our own kind, yaa. So I is thinkin' that we is gotza join usses forces together and fight them Cap't'lism. We is gotza larn us selves that even if I on'y writes 'bout how Communism's good, that's what I should write myselfs, so we is gotza not complain us selves, yaaaaaaa." Zak the Yak says that he will start writing about the war when the Mediterranean cruise starts. The cruise starts tomorrow, and we will see if he keeps his word.
This is the drug smugglers. Please, no cussing. I don't want this website to get rated R.
yeah. i
am i the only sanborn kid who ever comes here? yes, i am from sanborn. dun dun dun
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.