The Second Battle of the T.W.O.W. Takes place in the Gobi Desert with an Intense Round of Mad Libs
Place: Gobi Desert
Date: September 15, 2005
Communists: 0
Cap't'lits: 2*
Total: 2
Total Casualties of T.W.O.W.
Communists: 1
Cap't'lits: 2
Total: 3
Today, Jak the Yak, Nüt, Gewaiewfaijwiuhiwfu, and Zyggi the Zebra faced Smorgasborg, Ølåf, Idyll Brown, and Idyl Brownn mongered to the Gobi Desert after a three-day march without food or water. Unexpectedly, there were no interruptions, such as an argument about who can shoot the farthest like last time, or whose socks are cooler. Just as the battle was about to begin, the air hogs appeared out of nowhere, led by Soozie. Soozie held up a Mad Libs booklet, then said, "You really need to do thome Mad Libth. It'th really nethethary. It would be a mithtake if you jutht ignored me. In fact, you thould make thith battle a Mad Libth contetht." After much disputing, it was agreed that the should listen to Soozie and turn the battle into a Mad Libs match.
So Jak the Yak, Nüt, Gewaiewfaijwiuhiwfu, and Zyggi the Zebra faced Smorgasborg, Ølåf, Idyll Brown, and Idyl Brownn got prepared for an intense round of Mad Libs. The round took place in the middle of the Gobi Desert, and began when a rock roughly the size of New Jersey and resembling a peach in many ways crash landed just south of where the Communists and the Cap't'lists were. The rock, is now a major topic of contraversy among the forward-thinking astrologers who claim it was sent to Earth by the Intergalactic Travelers (see "The Intergalactic Travelers") as an Anniversary Present.
Meanwhile, the intense round of Mad Libs was still in session. The first Mad Lib was given to the Communists by Smorgasborg. The Mad Lib was one sentence, and went like this:
Sometimes we all want a little noun and relaxation.
Jak the Yak immediately put in the word "sad". At this point, Idyll Brown and Idyl Brownn pointed out that sad is actually an adjective. Zyggi the Zebra protested this saying that "sad" is a noun. Zyggi the Zebra then killed Idyll Brown and Idyl Brownn by hurling day-old hamburgers at them. But Idyll Brown and Idyl Brownn were reincarnated. The only problem was that they reincarnated in Iowa, and as many people already know,
Iowa is Iowa-
It's mediocre
After that, the Mad Lib portion of the Second Battle of the T.W.O.W. stopped briefly when everybody went to sleep after considering that the statement "I are funner than you am" might be grammatically incorrect.
When everyone woke up, everybody was thoroughly depressed by the thought of another Mad Lib, so Jak the Yak, Nüt, Gewaiewfaijwiuhiwfu, Zyggi the Zebra, Smorgasborg, and Ølåf wandered off in search of a good pub. Rumor has it that they are still wandering.
*Idyll Brown and Idyl Brownn were reincarnated later in Iowa.
I don't get it
You're not supposed to
You guys are definitely out of your freaking minds. This is brilliant. I could get this published in a magazine my friend makes called "Feathered Clown". This would be perfect.
Are you really going to? It would be great for our publicity, but you'd have to give us credit for it. I'll have to consider your offer, and talk it over with the rest of us.
Garz Warklef, the leader of the Drug Smugglers Foghorn Council